HPC Primary School in Heidelberg

Welcome to the HPC Bilingual Primary School!

Learning bilingually and exploring, experiencing cultures and finding solutions together - this is our focus. We offer the children a colorful and child-friendly learning environment in which, in addition to learning progress, the focus is on the development of a harmonious overall personality. In doing so, we teach according to the Baden-Württemberg educational plan.

At a glance

  • School profile: Bilingual, grades 1-4, optional full-day supervision


  • Locations: Heidelberg, Fahrtgasse (near Bismarckplatz)


  • Costs: 180 € tuition + profile fee and additional services


  • Special feature: Additional profile IB or KiCo


  • Class size: max. 18 children per class


That's why the HPC Bilingual Primary School is the perfect start into school life for your child:

  • German and English from the beginning
  • Manageable class sizes
  • Intercultural education
  • Reliable elementary school
  • Digital school
  • Strong school association with perspective
  • Competent team with heart
Our motto: „Belong to our school family - Engage globally - Grow for the future“

Location of our elementary school

HPC Bilingual Primary School can be found at our centrally located site near Bismarckplatz in Fahrtgasse.

School concept

At the HPC Bilingual Elementary School, your children can learn something special in a playful way: "Bilingual Education" - by this is meant that the students experience both German and English as languages of instruction. They speak, read and write in both languages from the first grade onwards according to the immersion principle.

In concrete terms, this looks like this:

The language immersion method is a successful and internationally recognized form of language learning: this means that teachers speak exclusively in the target language from the very beginning, supplementing the spoken language with body language and visuals. Similar to how children acquire their native language, they learn another language in this way.

At HPC Bilingual Elementary School, the subjects of mathematics, German and ethics are taught in German in all classes; the subjects of English, music, science, ethics and movement, games and sports are usually taught in English.

In the process, lesson content and competency profiles are networked by grade level teams in all subjects. This means that vocabulary is developed simultaneously in both languages, as well as cross-curricular and regular work in projects.

In this sense, bilingualism is the focus of our pedagogical school concept.

What is just as important to us: We want to recognize and promote the special individual abilities of the students - that is our pedagogical claim. It is essential that children experience learning in a positive way in order to be successful in their future lives. We want them to be able to live out their creativity as well as their urge to move. Therefore we attach great importance to

  • the promotion of strengths, talents and ideas of each individual student
  • trying things out, gaining experience and being allowed to make mistakes
  • the joint development of solutions
  • building lifelong friendships and a valuable network.

HPC's Bilingual Elementary School follows the concept of 'reliable elementary school'. This means that you as a parent can rely on your child being in good hands every day during core school hours. Even if teachers should fall ill, your child will have lessons.

This also applies to the care times: the students are reliably accompanied by our highly trained and cordial team during the booked care times and are in good hands every day.

Our specialists offer an all-day program with homework supervision and a variety of AG offerings. This can optionally be booked for the additional profile "IB Primary Years Programme" (location Fahrtgasse). We also offer optional early and late supervision.

A school with perspective

The elementary school years are the first important step in your child's education. It is all the nicer if he or she can continue this formative time in a constant schoolcommunity with the same values.

A variety of schools are united under the umbrella of HPC: after the bilingual elementary school, students can attend our Realschule with a bilingual track, our bilingual Gymnasium or the HPC International School with the path to the International Baccalaureate. A later transfer to our vocational high school is also possible.

With the completion of the HPC elementary school, your child is well prepared for a successful further school career. Depending on personal aptitude, inclination and talent, all doors are open to children at HPC schools - as well as access to all public and private schools.

Our teachers and educational advisors are always available as competent contact persons. 

Additional profiles

The Bilingual Concept is the core of our elementary school. In addition, you have the option of registering your child for one of our two optional additional profiles for the afternoon:

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme is an educational program from the International Baccalaureate for students aged 6 to 10. Our school is certified for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme.

Our teachers are "Native Speakers" who provide a natural, authentic and intensive language experience - even beyond the regular classes in the afternoon program if you choose this additional profile.

The IB Primary Years Programme is taught at the Fahrtgasse site

The pedagogical profile LernZeitRäume at the Slevogtstraße location will be replaced by the new additional profile Kindercoaching.

You want to learn more? We will be happy to advise you!

Simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page or give us a call.

Contact by Mail   Telephone: 06221 7050191

Information events for children and parents


Digital and human - we combine both! We would like you to get to know our HPC schools with their profiles and special features, our students, teachers and principals in person, even at Corona times. That's why we hold virtual info events regularly!

Register for the next online info event

School Community

The heart of our school is our teachers and all the professionals who accompany, support, encourage and motivate our students every day, giving them security and creating a feel-good environment.

A positive, friendly atmosphere in the classroom, complemented by a resource-oriented error culture and flat hierarchies are particularly important to us. We want to accompany students to the best possible development of their potential and use all our expertise and experience to achieve this. The teachers are supported by other employees from pedagogical, psychological or educational professional fields.

Teachers are supported by a multi-professional team, which also helps to organize afternoon activities. In this way, children meet the same people again and again in the course of the school day and feel secure.

At HPC, the children are guided and accompanied by dedicated teachers. Our Bilingual Elementary School is state-approved and supported by the state of Baden-Württemberg. All teachers are fully qualified and hold the 2nd state examination for the teaching profession or a comparable recognized international master's degree. from 2016.

When selecting our teachers, we pay attention to both professional competence and that the chemistry is right. Our team shares common values, works towards the same goals and supports each other in everyday school life.

Our students sense this. They experience that teachers and all staff members take time for them and accompany them individually if necessary. This makes a significant contribution to the children's sense of well-being.

A positive, friendly atmosphere in the classroom, complemented by a resource-oriented error culture and flat hierarchies are particularly important to us. We want to accompany students to the best possible development of their potential and use all our expertise and experience to achieve this. The teachers are supported by other employees from pedagogical, psychological or educational professional fields.

Teachers are supported by a multi-professional team, which also helps to organize afternoon activities. In this way, children meet the same people again and again in the course of the school day and feel secure.


This is Fufi, our school mascot. You just have to love this fun-loving, blue guy! Fufi likes to drop by during the school day to set the mood a bit.

Fufi also hands out surprises from time to time, for example at the first day of school or for St. Nicholas.

Insights: Projects, Art and Specials

On our Insights page, you will find current information from everyday school life. Here we present exciting projects and provide you with the latest news from our schools. You can also look forward to picture galleries and videos.

to the Insights

Social Media

You want even more insights into the HPC? Take a look at our social media channels!

Facebook   Instagram

Projects and partners

Beyond the curriculum

Science education is close to our hearts: since 2017, our school has qualified as a Klaus Tschira Research Station every year. This means that our facility meets the quality criteria of the Klaus Tschira Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Science Education. Our teachers regularly go on advanced training courses and align school projects with the Foundation's annual theme. 

Individual offers

Music lessons or foreign language lessons in any desired language can be offered and realized in-house in the afternoon for a fee after consultation, so that additional trips are not necessary. Our partners are the Modern Music School and the Academy of Languages.

We promote talent

Our school collaborates with the Hector Children's Academy. The Hector Foundation tests children free of charge to determine potential high ability and supports the children by organizing and offering courses for them. Parents are advised on various relevant topics.

EU school fruit program and a healthy, balanced diet

Exercise and a balanced diet supplemented by the EU School Fruit Program, i.e. a plus of fresh fruit and vegetables, ensure the children's good development.

At our elementary school, every child has the opportunity to eat a paid, hot lunch Monday through Friday. The meals are delivered freshly prepared by our catering partner, come from regional cultivation and contain organic components. Food allergies or vegetarian diets can be catered for.

Full meals provide children with all the nutrients they need for good growth and optimal development.

In addition, we serve fruit from the EU School Fruit Program during breaks and at lunch. The children at our school are happy to take advantage of this offer.

Tuition fees

Monthly tuition for HPC Bilingual Elementary School consists of:

  • School fees
  • voluntary HPC profile contribution
  • optional all-day profile with homework supervision and a variety of AG offers. The all-day profile can be booked optionally for the additional profile "IB Primary Years Programme" (location Fahrtgasse).
  • optional contribution for early and/or late supervision

Location Fahrtgasse
For more information about tuition, please refer to the exact tuition schedule.

Application and Contact

We are pleased if we could convince you and your child of our Bilingual Primary School.

[Dr. Katrin Biebighäuser, Head of the HPC Primary School]


  • Register once and manage all documents in one central location: Our applicant portal.

    Apply now 




  • Register once and manage all documents in one central place: Our applicant portal

    Apply now 

For parents:

Your child is already a student at our school and you have questions or would like to report your child sick?

You can reach our school secretary at 06221 70 50 191.