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Shout out for corona heroes!
Students of the Heidelberg Private School Center would like to say thank you!
It's been a year since we went into the first lockdown, schools had to close and infection numbers skyrocketed. Back then, people clapped for the Corona Heroes, but now some things have been forgotten. No one claps anymore, although the strain and tension on doctors and nurses in the clinics has not decreased. Madelief from the 5th grade of the Bilingual High School of the Heidelberg Private School Center thought that this was not right. That's why she launched an appeal: Paint and write for our Corona heroes. The response was great. Students from different grades participated and also students from the international branch who have just started learning German.
A colorful thank-you book was created, which we now want to hand over together with Madelief to the doctors and nurses of the Thorax Clinic on March 29th at 2:00 p.m. to say thank you for their great commitment.
by Dr. Elke Heinicke | Principal HPC International School

One's own network will continue to play an increasingly important role in the future.
The Heidelberg Private School Center supports its students* in building their own network during their education or within their studies.
The alumni networkpromotes cross-divisional contacts through the following projects and measures:
- Pupils' and students' pub
> Students' regulars' table
> Game nights
> This is where our student councils and interest groups are constituted
> Student lectures in the adjoining room - AGs with various Heidelberg clubs
- Soccer tournaments
- Parents' regulars' table: This is also where parents get to know each other in a very informal way.
- Welcome party for all new students
Interne Ausbildungs- und Studienmesse
"Grow for the future" - the training and study fair.
For the first time in 2018, HPC students and many other interested parties had the chance to meet and interview more than 40 well-known companies (e.g. SAP and Mercedes-Benz) as well as a large number of future school leavers.
"Grow for the future" offered numerous opportunities to use the wide-ranging cooperations of the F+U to make initial contact, or to find out about a wide variety of offers. But not only apprenticeships were to be discovered, also numerous companies offered dual study places.
Thus, some valuable contacts were certainly made on this day, which can definitely pay off as a head start in the future application process.
Further HPC fairs and events at the F+U Education Campus are already being planned.
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