HPC Vocational Gymnasium in Heidelberg

The Vocational Gymnasium at HPC is suitable for all committed students who aspire to the Abitur with a scientific profile. With our profiles in social sciences and economics and with the bilingual profile "International Economics" at our school, you will find a targeted preparation for the world of studies and professions.

In addition to starting in grade 11, students can also start in grade 8 at the Vocational Gymnasium - an alternative for students for whom the fast-track G8 A-levels are not the optimal path. Our teachers teach their classes both vocationally and study-oriented and continuously prepare them for the Abitur.

At a glance

  • Brief description: 6-year or 3-year Vocational Gymnasium - business high school - social science high school


  • Profiles/Focuses: Commercial profile or social and health science profile.


  • Graduation: General university entrance qualification (Abitur)


  • Costs: 180 € tuition + profile fee and additional services


School concept of the vocational Gymnasium

"Successful learning takes place in a safe and appreciative atmosphere. Our students should feel comfortable and remain curious.

This atmosphere is created by manageable class sizes and the commitment of students and colleagues. We promote a sense of togetherness through joint projects and student companies, class lessons and excursions.

Our students are equipped for the future because we not only teach technical skills, but also place special emphasis on digital and communication skills. Through expert lectures, internships and workshops, we give our students guidance in choosing a career and a course of study."

Anja Sölter, Head of Vocational Gymnasium

The profiles at the vocational Gymnasium

The special feature is the professional profile: the students can specialize either in the kaufmännischen profile or in the sozialwissenschaftlichen profile.

These orientations specifically prepare students for a considerable number of courses of study. With the acquisition of the general university entrance qualification, however, it is also possible to study at any university in any subject area.

The Abitur is not subject-specific - our Abitur students can then, like all other Abitur students, freely choose a course of study, because the vocational high school ends with the general university entrance qualification.

Our vocational Gymnasium is state-approved. All our teachers are accredited by the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe. 

You can enroll your child in our six-year vocational high school if the following requirements are met:

1. for students of the Realschule

  • regular promotion from grade 7 to grade 8
  • in the current school year (grade 7) at least the grade "good" in two of the subjects German, Mathematics and English and
  • at least the grade "satisfactory" in the third of these subjects, and
  • an overall grade point average of at least 3.0.

2. for students of the allgemeinbildenden Gymnasiums:

  • Promotion from grade 7 to grade 8

3. for students who do not meet the above-mentioned requirements, as well as students of Hauptschulen, Werkrealschulen and Gemeinschaftsschulen:

  • Passing of a written entrance examination in German, mathematics and English.
  • Transfer from grade 7 to grade 8

You can enroll your child in our three-year vocational Gymnasium if the following requirements are met:

  • They have a mittleren Bildungsabschluss
  • Realschule students have a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the subjects German, mathematics, English/French. No grade in these subjects may be worse than 4.0.
  • Gymnasium students require promotion to the 11th grade (G9) and to the 10th grade (G8).
  • You must be no more than 19 years old when you are admitted to the entrance class. If you have completed vocational training, you may be no more than 21 years old.

Teaching at the vocational Gymnasium

The lessons at the vocational Gymnasium consist of the profile subject as well as other subjects of the general Gymnasium, such as German, English, mathematics, French, Spanish, music or art, biology, chemistry, physics, sports, religion and history.

In addition to regular classes, which usually end at 1:00 p.m., we are happy to care for your children in afternoon care until 4:45 p.m. if you wish. There, they receive lunch, homework support, individual tutoring, learning therapies as well as attractive educational and leisure activities.

Beyond the normal schedule, we also offer the following at our school:

  • Digital learning environment
  • Familiar learning atmosphere
  • Career orientation
  • Student projects in grades 9-11

When entering grade 8 - the 6-year course - students can choose between the specializations "Wirtschaft" or "Soziales".

In the 4-hour profile subject, students can choose between economics and business administration or nutrition, social affairs and health, depending on the profile they have chosen.

Profile subject: 4 hours
German, English, mathematics, French, art, biology, chemistry, physics, sports, ethics and history are taught.

When entering grade 11 - the 3-year program - students choose one of the following three profile subjects.

1) Profile "Wirtschaft"

  • 6 hours of economics and business administration, in addition to German, mathematics, English, ethics, natural sciences, sports, art, computer science.
  • in the year groups (grades 12 and 13): 2 hours of economic geography

2) Profile "Internationale Wirtschaft"

  • 6-hour profile subject International Economics and Business Administration (taught bilingually for one hour in the introductory class and two hours in each of the two grades)
  • 2-hour bilingual subject Global Studies
  • German, mathematics, English, ethics, natural sciences, sports, art, computer science
  • Internship in grade 12
  • in the year groups (grades 12 and 13): Economic Studies 2 hours bilingually

3) Profile "Soziales"

  • 6-hour profile subject education and psychology, in addition to German, mathematics, English, ethics, natural sciences, sports, art, computer science.
  • in the year groups (grades 12 and 13): economics 2 hours

Information events for children and parents


Digital and human - we combine both! We would like you to get to know our HPC schools with their profiles and special features, our students, teachers and principals in person, even at Corona times. That's why we hold virtual info events regularly!

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Insights: Projects, Art and Specials

On our Insights page, you will find current information from everyday school life. Here we present exciting projects and provide you with the latest news from our schools. You can also look forward to picture galleries and videos.

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With the successful attainment of the general university entrance qualification - the Abitur - our students set the course for a promising professional future or their further academic career:

  • Study at all state and private universities and (technical) colleges.
  • Dual Bachelor's degree program at the F+U's International University of Cooperative Education (iba)
  • Training- and job-integrated bachelor studies at the International University of Cooperative Education ISBA of the F+U (2 degrees in 4 years: vocational and bachelor degree)
  • Bachelor's and subsequent Master's degree at the International University of Business, Technology and Culture (VICTORIA) of F+U

School Community

 "As with our students, when selecting new teachers we not only look for professional and pedagogical competence, but also for the right chemistry. Our team shares the same values, works together towards the same goals and supports each other in everyday school life. A positive atmosphere in the classroom and flat hierarchies are particularly important to us.

Our students also notice this. They benefit from the expertise and experience of our teachers in the classroom and know that they take time for each individual after class. Whether it's to explain an assignment again or to support students with problems outside of class."

Anja Sölter, Head of School Vocational Gymnasium

Tuition fees

Monthly expenses are as follows:

  • Tuition,
  • Voluntary HPC profile contribution

For more information on tuition, please see the detailed tuition schedule.


We are pleased if we could convince you of our Vocational Gymnasium. If you have further questions, e.g. about the economic or social science orientation, we look forward to talking to you.

[Anja Sölter, Head of Vocational Gymnasium at HPC]


  • Register once and manage all documents in one central place: Our applicant portal.

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  • Register once and manage all documents in one central place: Our applicant portal.

    Apply now 

Currently you can reach our secretariat from Monday to Thursday - 08:00 to 13:00!

For parents: Your child is already a student at our school and you have questions or would like to report your child sick?
You can reach our school secretary at 06221 70 50 101 or 06221 70 50 102.